This book is a collection of stories by children for children. One story revolves around Räkhajen, a fish unable to fart, posing a significant problem! Another story follows Hocka-Bocka (or Hocka and Bocka), who consistently have conflicting wishes and are never comfortable with each other's decisions. Additionally, the book features Skakis, a character everyone wants to play with but no one listens to.
These stories about Räkhajen, Hocka-Bocka, and Skakis originated from three preschools in Torslanda. The children at these preschools photographed their surroundings, forming the basis for the book's illustrations. Through a collaborative and creative process, the children actively participated in shaping the stories and determining the book's visual elements.
The primary goal was to empower children to influence the book's content as much as possible. Maria and Lars assisted in converting the children's ideas into illustrations and cohesive narratives. The stories are brimming with friendship, animals, and various creatures that help each other, laugh, play, and ask questions. They are driven by boundless imagination, spontaneous inventions, deep empathy, and a wonderful sense of humor.
Collaboration with Maria Safronova Wahlström
Design: Julia Brynielsson, Milena Karlsson
Mala Förlag, 2022, ISBN 9789152729069, edition of 500
Spökben, geggamoja och havets alla bubblor