This is a collaborative project with four initiators: Fröydi Laszlo, Christine Sjöberg, Hendrik Zeitler and Lars Dyrendom. ”The different approaches to photographic archive materials in the exhibition ‘Handpicked – on excursions in the visual archive’ show that the past and the present interrelate two ways, and that it is possible to see photographic images as historical information from a wide range of angles. When these images are collected in and serves as a prism to shed light on institutional practices, naturalized conventions, identity formations and subjective, private individual as well as collective stories.”
Author :Christine Sjöberg, Fröydi Laszlo, Hendrik Zeitler, Lars Dyrendom Essays by: Frida Klingberg • Fröydi Laszlo • Tyrone Martinsson • Peo Olsson • Christine Sjöberg • Anna Samuelsson • Bryndis Snæbjörnsdottir • Liv Emma Thorsen • Hendrik Zeitler • Lars Dyrendom
ISBN 10: 9197982229 ISBN 13: 9789197982221
Publisher: 284 publishing, 2013
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Handplockat - på utflykter i bildarkivet Handpicked - on Excursions in the Visual Archive